2-3 minutes

A-holes > Idiots

Never would I promote a-hole behavior, but in this situation they're the winner.
Written by
Roy Keely
Published on
March 28, 2024

I play ‘Would you rather’ with my kids at night.  To keep it interesting we now talk about mythical creatures and planetary level things. Would you rather be a space unicorn or dragon in the earth’s core? …that kind of stuff.

This got me thinking about a more adult discussion.

An a-hole or an idiot?

Who would you rather be married to?

Who would you rather run your country?

Who would you rather work with?

If the option was truly binary, which would you rather be associated with?

Personally, I will pick the a-hole every day for all of the above.

This goes counter to the typically espoused ‘no a-hole’ rule. I think many have swung so hard from the asshole vibe they have wound up with idiots.

It is an interesting way to think about who you associate with and why.

Of course, in real life, it’s not so binary but as a simple rule and instinct, I find it a fun exercise.

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