2-3 minutes

From the Windows to the Walls

Does your current job pass the nook and cranny thermometer check-up?
Written by
Roy Keely
Published on
May 30, 2024

Nope, I'm not going there with those lyrics... However, I was thinking about it a while ago as I meticulously cleaned the windows of my new house.

Here in the south, pollen season is an event that you mentally prepare for the clean-up after. At my old house, I never once cleaned the windows afterward. I'm not sure why I didn’t, but in hindsight, I wasn't in love with my old home. It was just shelter, it was never going to be a long-term play. My current house, quite frankly, has me in tears at times with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and blessing.

So the same goes for work. I sense many of us never find a 'job' that gets us into the nooks and crannies with enough care for it that we desire to clean it out. Instead, it’s common to kick the can and let someone else deal with it or say 'that's not my job' and justify our apathy. When you believe something is yours, no matter the nook or cranny, you care about it.

I have been blessed with a career of caring about the nooks and crannies. I had a brief stint where I had it kicked out of me, where I felt I could make no impact... thus, I stopped caring.

It's a good thermometer, do you care about the nooks and crannies at your company? If not, you may want to find a new house.

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